Prepared for Kingdom Living
We encourage our students to pursue post-secondary education. To that end, college advising is available at any point in the student’s educational journey.

College Roadmap

BigFuture has resources for students to create a college roadmap. There students can explore their interests, research careers, search for colleges that offer that degree path, and then make a plan of how to accomplish those goals.

College Visitations
NHCS invites college recruiters to come to present their colleges to our students. This creates unique opportunities for our students to visit with college representatives to discuss educational opportunities.

ASPIRE Students
This program offers education and resources for all students including activities or events that focus on college and career research, admissions applications, scholarship resources, and financial aid.

SAT Resources
- College Board- runs SAT/PSAT
- KHAN Academy- personalized SAT practice
- SAT Sample Questions
- SAT Score Interpretation

ACT Resources
Additional College Help
- College Application Checklist
- Common Application; a centralized application accepted by over 700 colleges
- OSAC; a single application portal linked to numerous statewide scholarships
- Josephine County Educational Fund
- a guide to financial aid, applications, student loans, and free scholarship search
- A resource for creating a study plan
Online College Guides
- OnlineUniversity- a comprehensive resource guide to distance learning and online education
- a detailed database of accreditation details for colleges and universities in the U.S.
- Counselor Tips for writing effective College Recommendations